From the tragic crash of the Airbus A330 of Air France
Flight 447 back in June 2009 to the Boeing 737 Max crashes of Lion Air Flight
610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 less than six months apart, are modern
airliners just “too automated” to be airworthy?
By: Ringo Bones
Despite of Trump’s recent parroting of 21st
Century era passenger jets becoming too automated even though he probably
himself never piloted an ultralight aircraft or piloted a crop-duster biplane,
there seems to be some truths to his Tweets. Blaming on too much automation and
computer control on why the most modern passenger jets are becoming less
airworthy in comparison to planes from a previous generation may seem a valid
point, but should today’s pilots be also familiar with the fundamentals of
barnstormer-era aeronautics by familiarizing themselves on how to fly a
crop-duster biplane akin to elite sailors from the world’s greatest navy fleets
being trained on three masted sailing ships like cadets from the then West
German navy used to train on the Gorch Foch square-rigger? Well, remember the
Air France Flight 447 incident? Air crash investigators said that the crash of
the Airbus A330 during its Rio De Janeiro to Paris flight back in June 1, 2009
could have been prevented if the copilot involved were familiar with the
difference between a low-speed stall and high-speed buffeting – as in having
experience of flying a crop-dusting biplane or similar single-engine propeller
aircraft. But are modern computer controlled automation of modern passenger
aircraft – like the MCAS used in the Boeing 737 Max aircraft involved in the
Lion Air Flight 610 (October 29, 2018) and the Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 (March
10, 2019) less than six months later actually making modern jet airliners less
airworthy than their predecessors?
Known as Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System or
MCAS takes readings from two sensors that determine how much the plane’s nose
is pointing up or down relative to the oncoming airflow. When MCAS detects that
the plane is pointing up at a dangerous angle, it can automatically push down
the nose of the plane in an effort to prevent the plane from stalling. MCAS is
activated without the pilot’s input, which has led to some frustration among
pilots of the Boeing 737 Max jet. At least half a dozen pilots have reported
being caught off guard by sudden descents in the aircraft, according to the
Dallas News. One pilot said it was “unconscionable that a manufacturer, the
FAA, and the airlines would have pilots flying an airplane without adequately
training, or even providing available resources and sufficient documentation to
understand the highly complex systems that differentiate this aircraft from
prior models,” according to an incident report filed with a NASA database.
Experts say that pilots need to be retrained about
familiarization about modern computer automated systems used in modern
passenger aircraft – and in my opinion especially pilots who grew up in a place
where crop-dusting biplanes and similar aircraft in which they can train to
familiarize themselves first hand between the difference of a stall caused by
insufficient airspeed and high speed buffeting caused by exceeding the aircraft’s
maximum speed without the reliance of onboard computer gear – are virtually
nonexistent. At present, Boeing and the Federal Aviation Administration are
currently at odds over how much pilot training will be required to familiarize
themselves with the MCAS used in the Boeing 737 Max.
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