Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Korean Air Macadamia Nut Air Rage Incident: Flying The Unfriendly Skies?

Even though she resigned and has since been deeply apologetic over the incident, is there a chance the Korean Air veep could serve some jail time? 
 By:Ringo Bones 

Immediately after the rather “weird” incident went viral on social media, the father of the Korean Air executive who went ballistic over the improper serving of in-flight macadamia nuts in the first class section of the plane immediately said to the press that “he was disappointed that he didn’t raise his daughter right”. And even though Heather Cho – vice president of the South Korea based airline firm Korea Air - has since resigned and was deeply apologetic over the macadamia nut incident back in December 9, 2014 could face up to 10 years in prison for creating an incident that led to an unauthorized delay of flights and the violation of American federal aviation laws if she’s going to be charged given that the incident happened in U.S. airspace. 

Heather Cho – a.k.a. Cho Hyun Ha – was a passenger at a Korean Air’s first class passenger lounge when she got infuriated when a flight attendant violated protocol by serving her the in-flight macadamia nuts in their original packaging rather than in a dish. And later due to public pressure in South Korea after the incident went viral on various social media service providers, Heather Cho soon resigned from her position as the vice president of Korean Air. 

Due to the Korean Air macadamia nut air rage incident, the rumored culture of bullying in the flight attendant service sector of Korean Air gained some credence of truth after scores of anecdotes soon went viral that such incidents are the norm – rather than the exception and why the public at large seem to remain clueless about it is due to the fact that flight attendants committing minor faux pas are harshly punished and are usually intimidated into silence. Is Korean Air veep Heather Cho running her dad’s company like a Yakuza gang? Even though this news story is till developing, it is overshadowed by the tragic Air Asia Flight QZ8501 that crashed into the Java Sea back in Sunday, December 28, 2014.

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